Extraordinary Chocolates in a Sophisticated Presentation.

Multilayered chocolate diamonds with translucent effects, filled with champagne ganache. Featured on Anthony Bourdain.
John Down, referred to as 'The King of Cacao' by numerous media is Master Chocolatier and cofounder of Christopher Norman Chocolates.
John Down along his partner Joe Guiliano are true pioneers within the ultra selective world of Chocolate Artists.
Following years of chocolate experiments, John started an unprecedented project of art, edible jewelry and decorative objects all made of chocolate.
John applied his artistic sensibility and came up with a creative series of chocolate diamonds, necklaces, edible paintings and Christmas ornaments filled with stars, and so many more.
'The Royal Sweet' - Forbes, 1999

Catering to the Best of New York, Tokyo and the World
In the early 2000's, Christopher Norman Chocolates had already become the name carried by luxury brands and high end stores such as Dean & DeLuca, Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, Henri Bendel, Williams Sonoma, Neiman Marcus, Martha Stewart and Whole Foods.
By 2007, the work of John Down was getting featured as far as Tokyo, for exclusive chocolate & art expositions.
If you are interested in having John Down create chocolates for you or for your business, please contact us at sales@cnchocolates.com.
Black Pearl Truffle Necklace made of dark chocolate and champagne ganache.
Swerling Dervishes! Passion fruit truffles in white & dark valhrona chocolate.
White chocolate Christmas ornaments filled with chocolate stars.
Hand painted Faberge style chocolate eggs, filled with truffle eggs.
Chocolate Pyramids with Tamurin pigment design. White chocolate pyramid filled with zabaione ganache. Dark chocolate pyramid filled with champagne ganache.
18" x 8" hand painted white chocolate mozaic bowl.
Hand painted white chocolate heart. Natural pigments from purple cabbage, turmeric, and cochineal.18" x 8" white chocolate bowl gilded in 22 carat gold, with edges flaked in 21 carat white gold.

John Down making Chocolate Pottery, with a mozaique of hand-painted assembled dark chocolate pieces.